Our broad range of audiology services

We provide comprehensive range of services from consultation, diagnosis, evaluation and treatment along with offering suitable audio care devices
There are several steps that are part of a hearing evaluation. If you suspect that you might need a hearing aid, you will first need to have a hearing evaluation.
Once you have selected your hearing aids after an evaluation, your hearing professional will program them, based on a prescription, to meet your hearing needs.
Hearing aids are comprised of tiny electrical components that may experience wear and tear over time.
Sudden or prolonged exposure to noise can cause damage to your hearing and is one of the leading causes of hearing loss.
Your hearing may have been checked at school or at the doctor’s office. When you heard the “beep,” you might recall putting on earbuds and raising your hand.
Speech Audiometry is a test that determines how well you can hear and understand spoken words. It assesses your speech reception and speech discrimination.
Immittane Audiometry is used to examine Middle Ear Function. Immittance testing is a typical audiological test that is useful in the diagnosis process.
There are several steps that are part of a hearing evaluation. If you suspect that you might need a hearing aid, you will first need to have a hearing evaluation.


The OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions) test examines a component of the inner ear’s sound response.
Tinnitus is a disorder that causes you to hear sounds that aren’t coming from somewhere else. The noises can be perceived as faint or loud and have a variety of properties
The vestibular evoked myogenic potential is a neurophysiological assessment technique used to determine the function of the otolithic organs of the inner ear.
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